Eczema - Effective, Natural, and Novel Treatment
Eczema is a frustrating and oftentimes painful skin condition. Its tricky to understand because, like many health conditions, the root cause is different for everyone. However, we can gain a deeper understanding of eczema and empower ourselves with life-transforming information that will assist in our healing. We can work through the eczema clearing process, and learn a lot along the way. Let's start by clearly defining eczema. . .
What is Eczema?
Eczema is a skin condition that may be short-lasting or chronic. It is usually characterized by the following:
*severe skin dryness (eczema can also take on a weeping/wet characteristic)
*intense itchiness
*the appearance of dry, red, flaking, blistering, and cracking rashes on the body.
It also comes with a variety of different names, and it would seem that there are many different types of eczema, but these actually only refer to where on the body the rashes tend to occur.
What causes eczema?
If only there was one simple answer to every eczema sufferer's greatest question! Eczema may take on many different forms and feels with even more root causes. You can look for clues or causes by asking questions like: When did this first appear for me (did it first come on in infancy, childhood, adolescence or adulthood)? Does my eczema come and go or is it consistently there? Do certain external conditions seem to trigger a flare (seasons, climates, living environments)? Do internal conditions seem to trigger a flare (menstrual cycle, stress response, identified or unidentified illness)?
Highlighted below are four common contributors to eczema. These four things are oftentimes linked with one another. For example, toxin exposure and the body's inability to properly detoxify these toxins will lead to digestive issues, and ultimately low thyroid function. Infections as the root cause can also present a cascade of varying symptoms.
1) Toxin exposure. Excessive exposure to toxins will eventually overload the kidneys and liver, often causing the skin to take on the role of eliminating toxins since it has such a large surface area. This can lead to eczema and several other skin conditions.
2) Digestive issues. A low-quality diet can irritate or damage the lining of the intestine and reduce its ability to uptake nutrients and prevent toxins from crossing into the bloodstream. However, there are plenty of eczema sufferers who eat impeccably, but still experience digestive disturbances. In these cases, there is a strong likelihood that the troubles with digestion are secondary to a deeper root cause (such as chronic toxin exposure and/or infection).
3) Infection and Immune System Overload. Viral, bacterial and fungal infections, if unidentified and left untreated, result in immune system overload and over-reactivity. If the immune system is constantly fighting off infections, it can also be unusually reactive to what would otherwise be normal everyday stimuli.
4) Low thyroid function. This ultimately leads to reduced circulation. Since nutrients are delivered by the blood while waste and toxins are removed by it, this leads to waste buildup on nutrient-deficient skin, which causes the rashes that are so characteristic of eczema.
Chances are, there is not one straightforward cause of your eczema condition. . . not the answer anyone experiencing eczema wants to hear, I know. If only there was one simple, easy to identify cause...and one simple, easy to identify solution! Instead, we're left with many possibilities. Fortunately, we're also left with an abundance of possible solutions!
How to treat eczema
The first step is asking those questions and exploring the clues that we talked about earlier. Some people might feel like they have already asked all the questions, and just keep running into walls. Trust me, you are not alone! Its not always easy to figure out triggers and solutions. It's a very personal process that you must trust in. One thing is for certain. . . if you keep your spirit high and have faith in the total restoration of your health, miracles will happen in your life! You can do it!
Eczema and diet
Benefits can only be seen by adopting a healthy whole-foods diet, tailored to your own constitution. If you are not doing so already, start here! If you suspect you might be reacting to certain foods, try eliminating them for several weeks, and then slowly reintroduce them (if you feel called to do so), one at a time. Look into food rotation diet ideas. Common food allergens that can contribute to eczema (particularly when they are non-organic/GMO) are pasteurized dairy (non-organic fed GMO feed), corn (most likely GMO if not certified organic), soy (most likely GMO if not certified organic), and gluten. You may also be interested in researching histamine-producing foods if you are currently in a state of hyper-reactivity.
The following list of beneficial foods and nutrients can be added in to a healthy diet to assist in healing and bringing down existing inflammation:
Turmeric - A strong anti-inflammatory with many benefits, especially for those with skin conditions. My favorite is a Liposomal Curcumin.
Burdock Root - A powerful anti-inflammatory that can help with many skin conditions, including eczema. Liver Detox & Support Tonic is my favorite source for Burdock and synergystic nutritionals.
Chlorophyll - Fights bacteria, aids in wound healing. My Favorite source is Marine Phytoplankton.
Raw Fats and Cold Pressed Oils - Helps beautify the skin in many ways.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Essential for body, brain, and skin health.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids - Small amounts help acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.
Silica - Strengthens connective tissue for strong skin, hair, and nails. Try Skin & Nail Support for herbs rich in silica.
Sulfur - Builds and repairs connective tissues for beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Helps detoxify the body and liver. Use plant-derived MSM.
Horsetail - Helps the healing process and strengthens Skin - useful for rashes that crack.
Nettle - Helps relieve many chronic skin conditions, including eczema.
Coconut Oil - Increases blood flow to the skin, fights bacteria, and can be applied topically to moisturize and soften. This is my favorite Coconut Oil. High quality is essential.
Aloe Vera - fights inflammation and can also be applied topically.
Eczema - underlying infections and toxicity
It is definitely important to explore the possibility that your body may have an underlying infection and/or toxicity that could be triggering the appearance of your eczema. If you feel like you could use some guidance in pinpointing what may be going on and how to move forward, contact me.
Cleansing and the skin
Cleansing can be used to assist in clearing your skin. The colon is a great place to start through fasting (when appropriate), binding fulvic and humic acids, and the addition of targeted herbal preparations. Be sure to get the best quality binders in board (contact me). Colon Hydrotherapy is also a great way to deeply cleanse your colon. Home enemas are also wonderful.
Contact me to learn more about CellCore… the best practitioner- exclusive full protocol option.
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These are also good protocols you can try yourself.
Eczema treatment
Exposing your entire body to the sunlight can help a lot too, along with fresh air and bathing in pure healthy water.
The combination of sweating and light therapy is one of my favorite healing treatments. I highly recommend using an Infrared Sauna to clear toxins that can only be released through this process.
It cleanses the body of toxins while also boosting the immune system. My favorite portable sauna has full-spectrum near-, mid-, and far-infrared, with ultra-low EMFs. It comes with its own ozone generator. It is also made from organic bamboo.
Save 20% on my favorite sauna.
The ultimate resolution of an eczema condition will come from within. There are also products that can be used to assist in the healing process, by calming inflammations from the outside-in. Be sure to choose an organic eczema treatment that will actually help heal and repair the skin without adding to its toxic load.
Ozonated oils
Ozonated oils can be used to effectively treat inflammatory skin conditions. Ozonated olive oil is a powerful tool in the topical treatment of eczema. It works to deeply cleanse the skin, assisting in the resolution of commonly seen topical bacterial overgrowths in chronic eczema conditions. It will also work to remove a large number of harmful toxins from the skin, and will bring down swelling and inflammation. Ozonated olive oil encourages the growth of new skin cells, inviting healthy skin and a luminous glow.
Experience the healing power of Elaa's After the Rain - Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm. Elaa's Living Organic Skincare starts with raw, cold pressed organic olive oil. The oil goes through an extended process of ozonating, where activated ozone is introduced and bubbled through it. Powerful, skin healing essential oils are then introduced, creating a powerful synergy of ingredients in this potent product.