Hello! I’m Yaelle. (Pronounced Ya - EL).

Elaa founder, creator, and formulator.

I am honored to be able to share my passion with you! I’ve put my heart into creating Elaa and running it every day. It's my great honor and joy to share Elaa with you.

I have a Bachelor’s degree from Brown University, Magna Cum Laude. I am Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. I have a certifications in areas of personal transformation including Neuro-Linguistic Programming and have much experience with personal growth, healing, health, and spiritual practice. I'm a Master Skin Care Formulator and Alchemist, an Herbalist, Aromatherapist, and a Natural Skin Care Specialist.

I am a deep lover of Nature. I love the gifts of herbs, plants, flowers, and fruits that Nature provides, which are perfectly designed for us to nourish our bodies and skin. I formulate, create, and use all of the products offered here. I’m an advocate for sacred self-care. Self-care keeps us healthy and balanced, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Making it sacred connects us deeply to ourselves, to Life, and to Everything. I hope to inspire others to practice beautiful, sacred self-care.

I am dedicated to helping people heal, grow, and thrive. I'm an alchemist, a creator of beauty, a health and personal transformation coach and advocate, and a passionate soul. I’m also a healer, an explorer of healing, and especially passionate about nervous system regulation and trauma healing. Elaa is a combination of all of these gifts.

My life is dedicated to my soul's greatest awakening and the awakening of all beings. I love LOVE. The Love that makes up all things. I love self-awareness and growth, nature, plants, learning, dance, movement, hiking, yoga, travel, and adventure. I love creating and relishing in beauty, poetry and art in all forms. 

For most of my life, I struggled with my physical health. No help I sought out over 25 years made a difference for me. By my mid-twenties, I had a host of painful chronic conditions affecting most body systems. I also had multiple skin conditions. It was a long process of putting the pieces together, but once I did, I was suddenly a new healthier me and had clear, lovely skin for the first time in my life. I deeply took care of myself and nourished my body with healthy foods and healing, effective skin care. Once I experienced this incredible transformation and how passionate I felt about what I had learned, I knew I wanted to explore it further.

In 2009, I founded Living Earth Beauty (LivingEarthBeauty.com) to be a unique "marketplace" of pure, healthy skincare. In 2012, I passed the Living Earth Beauty torch to dear friends so that I could pursue the creation of my own line of skin care.

Elaa was born in 2012.

Then, in January 2014, my life completely changed. I became life-threateningly ill. I went through years of intense suffering and illness, moments of not knowing if I would live or not wanting to live because it was so debilitating.

I've been deeply blessed by and for this journey and have taken it as an opportunity to heal not only my dear body, but also my heart and soul. The breadth of what I learned through saving my own life has provided me not only an 'honorary doctorate' in health and treating serious illness, but even greater compassion, humility, and love for myself and others, as well as, awe for the Mystery and Majesty of Life. This journey began a deep healing process on every level of existence for me, and while I would have never asked for what I've experienced and all the pain it caused in my life - the growth, transformation, and movement closer to my essence that has occurred inside me because of it has been the greatest blessing I could have ever asked for. Illness is a deep spiritual journey, an alchemy of the soul, a sacred passage and initiation, a portal. . . for those of us who are willing to surrender to and discover what it is here to teach us about Life and ourselves.

May my gift of alchemy bless your body and being with goodness, cherishing and celebrating you!

Elaa lives in my heart and every day I work to make these offerings as beautiful, effective, and sacred as possible for you.

It's a great honor to share Elaa creations with you. I hope that they inspire you to care for yourself deeply, all the while, creating your most alive and sparkling You.

Welcome to Elaa!
