Natural Rosacea Treatment: 10 Ways to Heal from the Inside Out


We have been given a permeable window to view our own health: through our skin. It's time to look, listen, and honor how much our skin tells us about what we need and how we can heal ourselves.

I've suffered with many skin conditions from the time of a few months old, so I know the pain, embarrassment, and frustration that is associated. I've healed my skin conditions and want to share with you how you can too.

The first skin condition I’ll be sharing about is Rosacea.

What is Rosacea?

Affecting more than 14 million people in North America, Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that usually causes one or more of the following:

  • Red areas on the face

  • Small, often red bumps on or around the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin

  • Telangiectasia – small blood vessels near the surface of the skin

  • An increased tendency to blush or become flush with color

There are also two subtypes of rosacea – rhinophyma, which causes the nose to become red and bulbous, and ocular rosacea, which is characterized by a burning or gritty sensation in the eyes.

Why have topical treatments alone never healed my Rosacea completely?

All chronic skin conditions indicate that toxicity or infection is present. This dampens the skin’s ability to maintain a healthy, natural state, and often results in disorder. In Rosacea, the cause tends to be excess heat and toxins in the blood. More specifically, Rosacea is caused by either a type of bacteria called Bacillus Oleronius, by H. pylori, by a mite called Demodex, or by parasites. While Rosacea is almost always “treated” topically, it is the expression these infections.  To truly heal means to rectify the imbalance that is the root cause of the condition, which is internal and use to topical treatments in conjunction with the internal treatments.

What can I do for my Rosacea?

Here are 10 steps to help you move towards healing:

1) Remove Irritating Foods

Remove any foods from your diet that worsen your condition. Each food should be singled out and removed for a week or two while seeing whether or not the Rosacea improves. If it does, try adding it back in and see if it makes things worse. If so, consider removing it from your diet completely, as it’s harmful to your digestive system and will only hamper your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. For Rosacea, you will particularly need to avoid the following food items: ALL foods that heat the body or are strong in flavor, like all peppers, spices, and even garlic and onions. Also you absolutely need to avoid alcohol, sugar, processed foods, fried foods, artificial ingredients, and caffeine. I don’t recommend ever adding any processed foods, sugar, or artificial foods back into your diet, even if you find they do not significantly worsen your Rosacea.

2) Support your Liver & Cleanse Your Blood

Be sure to avoid alcohol, coffee, and sugar. Drink large amounts of structured, spring water.

The best herbs for blood cleansing are Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Olive Leaf, Nettle Root, Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock Root, Red Clover, Nettle Leaf, Oregon Grape Root, Pau D’Arco, Chaparral.

Dandelion leaf, Cilantro, Parsley, Grasses (like Wheatgrass and Barley Grass), and any high chlorophyll foods are especially great foods to eat or make into juice for cleansing the blood.

Herbs to add into your diet that support liver cleansing are milk thistle, dandelion root, and burdock root. 

Here is a wonderful liver supporting and detox formula.

3) Gut Health

Cleansing the gut is also essential. Colon Hydrotherapy is a great way to deeply cleanse your colon. You can do this every few weeks or every few months with a practitioner, depending on the severity of your condition. Weekly home enemas, especially coffee enemas, are ideal for cleansing the liver and the body of toxins. I highly recommend coffee enemas if you have Rosacea. This is the perfect way to prepare for step 4 below. Start doing them weekly for at least 3 weeks before starting step 4.

4) Do a Full-Body Detox & Clear those Microbes and Parasites

This protocol opens up your detox pathways, binds any toxins, eliminates parasites and pathogens, and cleanses your liver, lymph, and entire body. These are the protocols that helped me heal and l use for my patients.

Do the entire CellCore Comprehensive Protocol or at least the Foundational Protocol.

If you have questions about getting started on a protocol, contact me. You will need my practitioner code to purchase any CellCore Products. You can purchase them here using code LxgHzGOs.

5) Take Enzymes

Enzymes can help change this by increasing the amount of nutrients that are absorbed from food.

Here’s a great Enzyme Formula.

Many people with Rosacea don’t produce enough stomach acid and should take hydrochloric acid supplements (betaine hydrochloride) before or after a meal (just be sure to keep the dosage low enough that you don’t experience any discomfort). Enzymes are also important to supplement with, as many people with Rosacea have been shown to have a deficiency in lipase. If you are one of the ones who are deficient in this enzyme, and you also experience indigestion, both your symptoms and your indigestion will likely improve.

6) Take B Vitamins

A common problem among those with Rosacea is deficiency of B vitamins. These are my favorites:

Co Enzyme B Complex

Ancient B Complex

7) Take Natural Supplements, Herbs, and Foods

Other great things to include in your diet are: fresh Aloe Vera juice, Coconut Oil, Selenium, and evening tea with soothing herbs like Chamomile and Rose Hips.

Zinc is also one of the most important supplements for rosacea.

8) Repopulate with Probiotics

After cleansing or Colon Hydrotherapy, it’s also important to repopulate your system with probiotics. These are the probiotics I personally use and provide to my patients:


Microbiome Labs

9) Find ways to reduce stress

Slow down. Meditate. Spend time in Nature. Take soothing baths. Sunbathe. Find quiet time. Be present in the moment. Receive soothing touch or massage.

Regulate your nervous system and release trauma. Irene Lyon’s work is excellent.

10) Soothe and reduce inflammation on the skin

The best topical ingredients to apply to skin that’s inflamed from Rosacea are activated oxygen and azulene!

Activated Oxygen or Ozone heals damaged tissues and speeds up healing time. It kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Fully ozonated oil stimulates the growth of new healthy skin cells and reduces inflammation.

I'm excited to share with you to a revolutionary ozonated healing treatment balm for face and body that combines the power of ozone and potent essential oils. This pure and highly activated ozone balm was created with the most challenging skin conditions in mind.

After the Rain - Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm brings together the power of fully ozonated olive oil (ozonated for weeks) with the addition of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antihistamine, and analgesic essential oils. Azulene in Blue Cypress and Blue Tansy is a potent anti-inflammatory. An ideal treatment for Rosacea.

If you follow all of these steps, you should be well on your way to healing your Rosacea from the inside out, and may find yourself free of something you always thought you simply had to live with.

After The Rain - Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm After The Rain - Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm After The Rain - Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm
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After The Rain - Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm

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