How to Get Clear Skin At Last - Natural Home Remedies for Acne

How to Get Clear Skin. . . At Last!

I personally struggled with Acne Vulgaris - or simply acne, pimples, blemishes, breakouts - for over 15 years. I have felt the pain and frustration associated with it. I often didn't want to see people or go out in public because of how I looked and felt. It was embarrassing and painful. I tried endless different products, pharmaceuticals, and skincare to try to find some relief. Everything I tried made my skin (and health) worse, rather than better. After many years of studying nutrition, health, and skincare, I finally learned how I could heal my skin. . . and miraculously, I did. I have had clear skin ever since. 

Acne (Acne Vulgaris) is an uncomfortable issue and a complex one. The reason it can be complex to treat and heal, is because there are many possible causes.

What Causes Acne? 

These include:
•    Unhealthy Diet
•    Toxic load in the body
•    Stress & Stored Emotions
•    Hormonal Acne: Hormone Imbalances can cause acne - increased insulin production can signal the body to release extra male hormones, called androgens, which are involved in excess sebum production, congested follicles, and thus acne formation. Also, sudden changes in hormonal balance, such as those brought about by pregnancy can have a huge affect on skin and acne. An imbalanced estrogen to progesterone ratio in the body will often lead to breakouts before, during, or after menstruation. Any other hormonal abnormalities will also have an affect on acne creation.
•    Medications - including some contraceptive pills, anabolic steroids, lithium, iodine-containing medications, and some anti-epileptic medications, can cause acne do to the imbalances they create in the body.

Antibiotics for Acne? 

Forget about antibiotics for acne! I took these for years from the age of 12 and they completely destroyed my health and ultimately caused my skin to get worse. Because I decimated my healthy internal flora with antibiotics for acne, I struggled with Candida overgrowth for over 23 years, among other complications. Clear skin requires a healthy digestive system, which needs to be populated with a plentiful and balanced array of intestinal bacteria or Gastro-Intestinal flora. Antibiotics destroy all the healthy bacteria in your body - bacteria that is needed for overall health, including immune and digestive health.

With all of these possible acne causes, what can I do?

Well, all of these causes in essence are an imbalance in the body. So, the key to to help your body get back in balance. Here are ways to do that:

Natural Home Remedies for Acne

Acne Diet

1) A healthy diet and body free of toxins is essential. A healthy diet is more about what you exclude than what you include!  A diet containing refined sugars and processed foods, and even excess natural sugars or carbs, contributes to Acne Vulgaris.

Foods to avoid
Regardless of what diet you choose, specifically steer clear of:

  • sugar, definitely refined, but even natural sugars

  • high glycemic foods, including fruits, starches, and grains

  • refined and natural starches and grains

  • gluten

  • alcohol

  • caffeine

  • pasteurized dairy products

  • all processed and chemical foods

Foods that are particularly beneficial

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids. This is my favorite all-in-one formula: The Omega.

  • Marine Phytoplankton

  • fresh organic vegetables

  • raw fermented foods (unless you have issues with histamine)

  • healthy fats like Coconut Oil, Avocados, Sun dried Olives, ghee, etc.

  • superfoods

  • herbs

  • wild foods

Supplements & Herbs for Acne


Drink Water, Water, Water - alive, fresh spring water or the most pure water available! Quality, toxin-free water is essential.

Acne Detox

2) Detoxing is an absolutely essential way to get clear skin. Consider doing fasts and cleanses. These are one of the most important home remedies for pimples. Skin issues arise when your internal body is so overloaded with toxins that aren't being eliminated, so the toxins begin eliminating through the skin. Certain types of fasts and cleanses for at least several days or weeks can be healing and alkalizing to the body and rejuvenating for skin. But, fasting is not ideal for everyone. so be sure you are very healthy and stable before embarking on one.

Regular exercise is essential not only for overall health, but also for clearing toxins.

Saunas are wonderful for detoxifying.

This is a favorite portable, home sauna. Save 20% on it through this link.

This is my favorite Photon Infrared Light Sauna. Hand-crafted in the USA.

Other things to consider in cleansing the body are possible Candida overgrowth. You can find questionnaires online to test yourself.

Liver Cleanse for Acne

3) Acne Vulgaris can also be caused by poor fat metabolism. This means that the liver is not capable of fully digesting and assimilating all of the fat and oil entering the system. The health of the skin is often a reflection of the health of the liver. There are various ways to cleanse the liver. Drinking warm water with lemon first thing in the morning every day helps. Eating Raw, Fresh, Organic Fruits and Vegetables is important. I like add large amounts of dandelion to my fresh juices for liver cleansing. Products like Liver Detox & Support are also simple daily ways to keep the liver healthy. Avoiding drugs, medications, and alcohol. Also look into doing liver flushes and cleanses, seasonally, or more frequently for a congested liver. For rapid and highly effective liver cleansing, this one is the best.

Treating the Root Cause

4) Detoxing first is essential. Then, getting some supportive nutrients in your daily routine. Finally, you will need to treat the toxins and microbes that are causing the acne. Try the superior CellCore Biosciences products to clear the toxins and microbes from your system. I am a CellCore Practitioner. Contact me for CellCore.

Hygiene for Acne

4) Hygiene is also important. Change your pillowcase regularly and avoid touching your face with your hands unless you have just washed them.

There is no quick treatment or pill for skin health and healing. Pills and medications only cover over symptoms, create health problems, damage skin, and stop the possibility of healing. Healing is always a process. Natural Home Remedies for Acne are the only way to go - and it can take weeks or months to heal. Just take it step-by-step and take your time. Enjoy the loving process of coming into balance again.

Skin Care for Acne

5) Good skin care makes a significant difference! Immediately remove all chemical acne treatments, like benzoyl peroxide, or any other “medicated” products from your life! The chemicals and the drying effect are awful for skin health and overall body health.

Essential Oils for Acne

Beneficial Essential Oils to add to carrier oils, skin care products, or to apply neat (for certain essential oils take caution before applying neat, or dilute in a carrier first) include: blue tansy, blue cypress, helichrysum, chamomile, rose geranium, lavender, rosewood, eucalyptus, lemongrass, turmeric, geranium, grapefruit, sandalwood, vetiver, rosemary, niaouli, thyme linalool, carrot seed, bergamot, palmarosa, basil, cedarwood.

Tree Tea Oil for Acne? 

What about Tea Tree Oil? While tea tree oil acne is a common treatment, it's not my favorite because it can be very drying and cause the skin to peel.

Look for products that are naturally antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant. Ozonated oils with a blend of essential oils are the best topical treatment for acne. After the Rain is a powerful ally for healing acne.



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