About Miron Glass

When I created Elaa, I wanted the products to be my dream products in every way. So, when it came to designing the packaging, there was no question that I wanted to go with the best. I wanted packaging that would not only be gorgeous, but would also preserve and enhance the alive botanicals inside. The choice was clear: Miron Violet Glass.


What is Miron Glass?

Miron glass jars and Miron glass bottles are top-of-the-line containers that preserve and add vitality and energy to the contents inside. Miron violet glass is biophotonic, meaning that electromagnetic waves of UVA and FAR infrared are able to penetrate through the glass and enhance the contents. Yet, Miron glass completely blocks all harmful rays from the light spectrum. This unique combination allows for optimal protection against the aging process, thus considerably preserving and increasing the potency and aliveness of the beautiful botanicals.

History of Miron Glass

Miron Glass is relatively new to the marketplace, but it actually has been around for a very long time. In fact, violet glass was used in ancient Egypt to store valuable essences and remedies. The first industrially produced violet glass came in 1995. It is produced in The Netherlands.

Studies and Tests

Over the years, many studies have been performed to test the efficacy of Miron glass.

Test with Honey

Beginning in 2008, Miron began conducting tests on honey with various beekeepers in Germany. The analysis was primarily focused on the active substance that creates the aroma in honey and inhibits seed growth. It was proven that the Miron glass actually preserves the enzymes, color, taste, smell, and structure of the honey unlike anything ever seen before with any other receptacle.

Test with Chives

All other glass, including green, blue, and amber is light permeable. A variety of herbs and spices were stored for three months in clear glass, amber glass, and violet glass. The photo below depicts the the state of chives after two months of storage. The difference in smell was also described by volunteers in a blind test. The chives in the clear show the most damage, with amber showing slightly less damage.The chives stored in the Miron glass shows no color change and the smell was distinctly stronger and fresher.

Test with Tomatoes

Another experiment was performed with cherry tomatoes. During this microbiological test, a cherry tomato was stored in both clear glass and in Miron glass. The photograph below shows the tomato after seven months of storage. The tomato stored in Miron violet glass was still juicy, plump, and retained its full color.

As you can clearly see, miron glass is amazing, and quite sexy too. I'm thrilled to be able to have Elaa products in this beautiful glass.


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